Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our final winners!

Here at ECP: Challenges we want to say a huge thank you for all the messages of support about our closing. We love that so many of you have joined in over the last 2 years, creating awesome projects for challenges and spreading the word.

And now we have to draw our final winners.

For challenge 41 & 42 the winner is...

For challenge 43 & 44 the winner is...

For challenge 45 & 46 the winner is...

For challenges 47 & 48 the winner is...

And as promised, we have two extra winners from our final challenge, so the winners are...

DesigNeA1 and Kath Hernandez

Please contact us at so we can organise your prize.

And whilst there are no more ECP:Challenges, don't forget to check out all our lovely DT's blogs using the links on the right. So many of them are involved with other projects and you'll soon be inspired!